BIC/SWIFT-Codes für alle Banken | SWIFT-Code Suchmaschine (2024)

Alles, was zum Finden des richtigen SWIFT/BIC-Codes für deine Überweisung benötigst. Sortiere nach der Bank oder dem Land, um den richtigen Code für die Bankfiliale zu finden. Wenn du bereits den Code hast, dann kannst du mit unserem Tool überprüfen, ob dieser korrekt ist.

Einen BIC-Code prüfen

Gib einen BIC/SWIFT-Code ein, um zu prüfen, ob dieser korrekt ist und finde heraus, zu welcher Bank der Code gehört.

BIC suchen

Trage einfach das Land und die Bankverbindung unten ein.

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Was ist ein BIC/SWIFT-Code?

Der SWIFT-Code – auch "BIC-Nummer" genannt – ist ein einheitliches Format für Business Identifier Codes (BIC). Er wird genutzt, um Banken und Finanzinstitute weltweit identifizieren zu können. Der Code gibt an, um wen es sich handelt und wo das Institut sitzt.

Diese Codes werden genutzt, um Geld zwischen verschiedenen Banken zu überweisen – sie kommen zumeist bei internationalen Überweisungen zum Einsatz. Banken verwenden diesen Code außerdem, um untereinander Nachrichten auszutauschen.

Beispiel für einen SWIFT-Code





Format einer SWIFT/BIC-Nummer.

Ein SWIFT/BIC-Code ist 8-11 Zeichen lang und dient zur Identifizierung des Landes, der Stadt, der Bank und der Bankfiliale.

  • Bankleitzahl A-Z4 Buchstaben stehen für die Bank. Sie sehen in den meisten Fällen wie eine Kurzform des Banknamens aus.

  • Ländercode A-Z2 Buchstaben stehen für das Land, in dem sich die Bank befindet.

  • Ortscode 0-9 A-Z2 Zeichen bestehen aus Buchstaben oder Zahlen. Sie beschreiben wo sich die Zentrale der Bank befindet.

  • Filialcode 0-9 A-Z3 Ziffern spezifizieren die Bankfiliale. "XXX" steht für die Zentrale der Bank.

BIC/SWIFT-Codes für alle Banken | SWIFT-Code Suchmaschine (1)

Wann benötigt man einen SWIFT/BIC-Code?

Wenn du internationale Banküberweisungen – etwa internationale Wire- oder SEPA-Zahlungen – tätigst oder empfängst, benötigst du dafür eventuell einen SWIFT-Code. SWIFT-Codes helfen Banken dabei, Auslandsüberweisungen abzuwickeln.

BIC/SWIFT-Codes für alle Banken | SWIFT-Code Suchmaschine (2)

Wo finde ich meinen SWIFT/BIC-Code?

Du kannst den SWIFT/BIC-Code deiner Bank normalerweise auf deinem Kontoauszug sehen. Alternativ kannst auch unseren SWIFT/BIC-Finder nutzen, um den richtigen Code für deine Überweisung zu finden.

BIC/SWIFT-Codes für alle Banken | SWIFT-Code Suchmaschine (3)
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BIC/SWIFT-Codes für alle Banken | SWIFT-Code Suchmaschine (2024)


How do I find my banks Swift BIC code? ›

How do you find your SWIFT/BIC code? To locate your SWIFT/BIC code, check any paper or digital banking statements, or look at your account details on your online banking profile. You can also search for your BIC code using a digital SWIFT/BIC search tool by providing your country and bank location data.

What is the SWIFT code of a BIC bank account? ›

Also called a SWIFT number, this code facilitates the transfer of money between banks and is needed for both international wires and SEPA payments. What is a BIC code? BIC stands for Bank Identifier Code. It is an 8 to 11-character code that identifies banks globally.

What is the swift BIC code on a bank statement? ›

A SWIFT code (sometimes known as a SWIFT Number) are 8 to 11 characters long and made of both letters and numbers. You can typically find them on a bank statement or on your bank's website. The SWIFT code is a format of your BIC (Bank Identification Code), and the two terms are used interchangeably.

How do I fill out a SWIFT code for a BIC? ›

Format of a SWIFT Code
  1. Bank code (four letters abbreviating bank's name)
  2. Country code (two letters representing the country)
  3. Location code (two letters or numbers for bank's head office)
  4. Branch code (3 letters or numbers for the bank branch)

Do all banks have a BIC SWIFT code? ›

Whilst most banks have a BIC / SWIFT code assigned to them, there are some financial institutions that do not use them. A number of smaller banks and credit unions in the United States do not connect to the SWIFT network, which means that they do not use international routing codes.

Do US banks have SWIFT codes? ›

All banks have a SWIFT code, but not all banks have unique codes for each of their branches.

Is a routing number the same as a SWIFT code? ›

SWIFT codes are different to routing numbers, but they do a similar job. Routing numbers help to identify banks by state in the US, making it easier to process domestic payments. SWIFT codes identify bank branches for international payments.

What is an example of a SWIFT code? ›

An example of a swift code is AAAA-BB-CC-123. Here are the components of a SWIFT code: Bank code: Four letters representing the title of the bank, usually a shortened form of the bank's name. Country code: Two letters representing the country of the bank.

What is an example Swift BIC number? ›

A BIC is the Branch Identifier Code, also known as a SWIFT code, it helps overseas banks identify which bank to send money to. It's made up of 8 to 11 characters. Here's an example: HBUKGB4B - HBUK = Bank Code, GB = Country code, 4B = Location Code.

What is the SWIFT code for Citibank? ›

For incoming international wires, you will also need to provide a SWIFT code. Citi's SWIFT code CITIUS33 and Intermediary Bank code 0210-0008-9 should be used for international wires.

Is Swift BIC code same for all branches? ›

It depends on the recipient's bank. Some banks may have one BIC/ SWIFT code for all their branches, while others have unique SWIFT codes for each of their branches. Plus, since all the branches of a bank may or may not use the SWIFT network, the code usually specifies the bank's head office or primary office.

What is the swift bic code for Chase Bank? ›

To receive an international wire transfer, give the sender our bank identification code (BIC) or SWIFT (CHASUS33) and your account number.

How can I find the SWIFT code of my bank? ›

How can I find out my bank's SWIFT code? Most banks include their SWIFT code in customer account details and on their mobile apps, websites and statements. Otherwise, you can request it at your branch. You can find the bank's SWIFT/BIC code or an IBAN on some websites.

What if the SWIFT code is wrong? ›

Inaccurate or invalid Swift codes can result in funds being sent to the wrong account or lost in transit. By taking the time to verify the code, you can mitigate the risk of financial loss and ensure that your funds reach their intended recipient securely.

Is BIC SWIFT code 8 or 11 digits? ›

All BIC and SWIFT codes consist of 8 to 11 characters long and follow the same format. There are a couple of things worth noting; 11 digit codes refer to specific branches of that company whereas 8 digit codes (or those ending in XXX) refer to the head office of the company.

Is a SWIFT code the same as a routing number? ›

SWIFT codes are different to routing numbers, but they do a similar job. Routing numbers help to identify banks by state in the US, making it easier to process domestic payments. SWIFT codes identify bank branches for international payments.

Is SWIFT BIC code same for all branches? ›

It depends on the recipient's bank. Some banks may have one BIC/ SWIFT code for all their branches, while others have unique SWIFT codes for each of their branches. Plus, since all the branches of a bank may or may not use the SWIFT network, the code usually specifies the bank's head office or primary office.

What is the SWIFT code of a federal bank? ›

Routing Number. Federal Bank's SWIFT Code - FDRLINBBIBD.

What is the SWIFT BIC code for Chase Bank? ›

To receive an international wire transfer, give the sender our bank identification code (BIC) or SWIFT (CHASUS33) and your account number.

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