Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas. (2024)

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Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas. (1)

Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas.


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rteMost Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas. (3)OP

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OPMost Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas. (4)


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Senator Hawley: Whistleblowers Most of Trump Security Working Rally Were Not Even Secret Service

Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas. (6)

And the hits keep coming.

Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) sent a letter to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Friday demanding answers on the attempted assassination attack on President Trump at his rally in Pennsylvania last weekend.

Senator Hawley wrote that whistleblowers have notified him that a majority of the security officials working the rally last weekend were not even Secret Service personnel but were with the Homeland Security Investigations team!

They were not even trained Secret Service personnel!

Government officials also treated the attempted assassination as a “loose” security event and that canines were not used at entry points and to detect threats.

Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas. (7)
Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas. (8)



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Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas. (9)

Re: Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas.


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simonkenton7Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas. (10)

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Mayorkas is in charge of the border debacle. What a POS.

Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas. (12)

Re: Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas.


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akrangeMost Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas. (13)

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I can’t stop Lov’n You

Time Passes Quickly

And Chances are Few

Woo Woo

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Re: Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas.


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PaulBarnardMost Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas. (17)

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Mayorkas has never illustrated a shred of competence. I detest that piece of schidt.

Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas. (20)

Re: Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas.


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bsa1917hunterMost Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas. (21)

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Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas. (22)


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Mayorkas is just like the rest of the scumbag left wing democrats in office. Total incompetent POS!!

Originally Posted by raybass

I try to stick with the basics, they do so well. Nothing fancy mind you, just plain jane will get it done with style.

Originally Posted by Pharmseller

You want to see an animal drop right now? Shoot him in the ear hole.



Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas. (23)

Re: Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas.


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The Lunatic’s are in the Halls

Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas. (26)

Re: Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas.


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AdventureBoundMost Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas. (28)

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Don’t you know that it chaps Hawley’s butt to preface the names of Mayorkas and Cheatle with the word “Honorable”?

Adventure is the only thing you buy that makes you richer

If you have raced with runners and they have worn you out, how can you compete with horses? If you stumble in a peaceful land, what will you do in the thickets of the Jordan?
Jer 12:5

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Re: Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas.


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Originally Posted by PaulBarnard

Mayorkas has never illustrated a shred of competence. I detest that piece of schidt.

Originally Posted by bsa1917hunter

Mayorkas is just like the rest of the scumbag left wing democrats in office. Total incompetent POS!!

They are not incompetent. They are working Barrys plan of fundamentally changing America to a "T".

Only a few problems for them that are saving us for now. Trumps court cases have backlashed, FJB han't held up as long as he needed to, and saturday the SOB missed!
Just seen a YT pop-up saying announcement @ 16:00 that FJB resigning. IDK we'll see @ 4.

"Aim right, squeeze light"
" Might as well hit what you're aiming at, it kicks the same whether you miss or not"

Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas. (36)

Re: Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas.


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TimbermasterMost Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas. (37)

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They were there to look out for any domestic terrorists waving US or Trump flags. They weren’t worried about any security beyond that.

~Molɔ̀ːn Labé Skýla~


Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas. (39)

Re: Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas.


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DMcMost Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas. (41)

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Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas. (42)


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Mayorkas is an evil man. You can see it in his face. If you don't, you're not looking.

Make Gitmo Great Again!!
Who gave the order to stop counting votes in the swing states on the night of November 3/4, 2020?


Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas. (44)

Re: Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas.


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JeffreyMost Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas. (45)

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Originally Posted by PaulBarnard

Mayorkas has never illustrated a shred of competence. I detest that piece of schidt.

Mayorkas is totally competent. He’s got millions of Americans thinking that he takes his job seriously. If you’re questioning his competence, I’m questioning your intelligence.

Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas. (47)

Re: Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas.


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Originally Posted by DMc

Mayorkas is an evil man. You can see it in his face. If you don't, you're not looking.

You can hear it in his slimy snake swamp creature voice.

Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas. (50)

Re: Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas.


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MontanaManMost Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas. (52)

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Well, Good Luck to Hawley in getting any meaningful response other than a mish-mash of mumbo-jumbo......................

Stonewall, stonewall, stonewall.

This whole schitt show just gets better every minute; when will the 'Merican people have had enough & get some rope?


Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas. (55)

Re: Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas.


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Mayorkas, the little midget is not incompetent at all, he is involved up to his ass in directing orders from the Head Swamp dweller’s, he has been nothing more than a hatchet man, for a long time, they all get together and plan everything bad that has happened for longer than four years. He is pure evil!!!

Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas. (58)

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bluefishMost Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas. (59)

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If DJT gets back in he needs to restart the ABC agencies and go to town with charges of treason, military tribunals, and firing squads.

The way life should be.

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Re: Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas.


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It was an pre-planned ambush but their shooter missed.

Trump needs his own security team. Even the Secret Service is corrupt.

Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas. (66)

Re: Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas.


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kwg020Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas. (68)

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Originally Posted by PaulBarnard

Mayorkas has never illustrated a shred of competence. I detest that piece of schidt.

Well said !


For liberals and anarchists, power and control is opium, selling envy is the fastest and easiest way to get it. TRR. American conservative. Never trust a white liberal. Malcom X Current NRA member.

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Re: Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas.


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The_Real_HawkeyeMost Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas. (72)

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Originally Posted by simonkenton7

Mayorkas is in charge of the border debacle. What a POS.

Mayorkas is the worst sort of scum.

Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas. (74)

Re: Most Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas.


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The_Real_HawkeyeMost Of Trump Security At Rally Were NOT SS,Chosen By Mayorkas. (75)

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Originally Posted by kwg020

Originally Posted by PaulBarnard

Mayorkas has never illustrated a shred of competence. I detest that piece of schidt.

Well said !


No, he's highly competent. You have to remember that his objective, as is the case with Biden's entire administration, is the destruction of America.

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Since 2020, it's been subversion and sabotage disguised as incompetence. Most with any sort of clue saw it coming back then.

Now with even more aplomb

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